
Evolution—Fact or Fiction? is unavailable, but you can change that!

The theory of evolution has been called “the most powerful and the most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth.” It has been so passionately argued and so heavily promoted in the mass media that millions of people with no scientific expertise assume it must be true. Evolutionism says that life on earth began by chance in some kind of chemical “soup,” and claims that Homosapiens is the...

had in mind when he said, ‘The world is simply there, and is inexplicable’,61 but while this kind of statement short-circuits the discussion, it does nothing to answer the question. In 1948 Fred Hoyle helped to popularize the so-called ‘steady-state’ theory, which maintained that the universe was infinite and eternal, and that as matter ‘dies’ through expansion it is replaced by other matter springing into existence. But, as philosopher William Lane Craig points out, the ‘steady-state’ model ‘has
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